HighRankingStudio.com - the SEO Specialists

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SEO based Web hosting (Location based)

Websites have been the bread and butter of today's businesses and tracking the up-time and performance of websites from a global perspective is on the No. 1 priority list of every business owner. Any lag in the performance of your business website can be catastrophic and result in the loss of revenue and goodwill. As, website outages would complicate things & you would have a bad day.

Once your site has been developed it is important that it is hosted in the best possible environment to ensure maximum performance and minimal downtime. Hence, it is important that you carefully choose your Web Hosting Provider. And if so, you don't have to put up with your website being unreliable.

Expert Tech Support & Customer Care:
Lookout for an expert/Company that offer excellent customer service and 24/7 technical support. Once you've narrowed-down your list of reputable hosting companies, call them to ask a few questions. Make a note of whether the person you speak with seems friendly and knowledgeable, how long you're on hold before someone takes your call, and how many times you're transferred or put on-hold. Because any time you're on the phone with your Web hosting service is time you can't field phone calls from your own customers.

Uptime Guarantee:
Remember that, if your Webhost is down, search engine spiders can't reach your site, causing your rankings to suffer. Finding a reliable host is important to SEO. Ideally, your uptime would be 100 percent, but that's difficult to guarantee. You should expect, however, your uptime to be 99% or higher. Track your Web site uptime with some Free tools. We use www.pingdom.com & we are happy with it, as of now.

If you have content on your website written by bloggers, ensure that you have Ample Storage. While storage space needs will vary from business to business, 200GB should cover your needs. Aim higher than that if you foresee your business growing or offering new services.

Security Measures:
Ensure that your Web Hosting have proper security measures in place to safe guard your files/database, from any kind of cyber-attacks. Do they take auto-back-ups regularly ?

Server Location:
For example, if you are in India. And, your client base is also in India; it would be better for you to choose a server that is located in India. The latency to the Indian servers from within India and Asia is very low. The network path is also very short; it never travels out of India, so an international broken backbone will never affect access to your sites. The access times for sites hosted on such low latency network from within India and the Asian region is very fast. Also other account functions such as access to cPanel/WHM, emails, FTP, etc. see very fast speeds compared to websites, that are hosted far away.

Never fall for “Cheap ‘n’ best”:
Cheap hosts put thousands of web sites on a single server with a single shared IP address. Studies have shown that a dedicated single IP address is important to ranking well. "... although only 3% of web sites are on dedicated IP's, well over 90% of the top-50 results in the search engines are sites having dedicated IP numbers." Some studies confirmed this observation by converting sites from a shared IP to a dedicated IP resulting in "significant ranking' increases".

With all of your responsibilities of a business owner, you need a Web hosting service you can count on. At HighRanking Studio.com, we provide custom – designed Hosting solutions. And, you will find in us, a Web Host that values customer service as much as you do, with an exceptional uptime guarantee, so you don't have to worry about.

Please feel free to contact us to us, for any further assistance. We would be glad to help you host your website.