HighRankingStudio.com - the SEO Specialists

Call us: +91 - 98422 - 26200

Frequently asked Questions (FAQ)

Q: What is SEO (Search Engine Optimisation)?

A: SEO stands for “search engine optimization”. It is the process of getting traffic from the “organic” or “natural” listings on search engines. Some of the major search engines are Google, Yahoo and Bing. This is Free & Payment isn’t involved, as it is with paid search ads

Q: I already do PPC, do I need to do SEO? What's the difference?
A: If you have already investing on PPC... Great ! That means that you are open-minded for new business & you are paying a fixed monthly budget on it. Well, if that suits you, it’s great. But, Organic SEO could give you more sustainable results. eConsultantcy reported in 2012 that search engine users overwhelmingly click on organic search results by a ratio of 94% to 6% over paid listings. While we can also help you make your pay-per-click campaigns more profitable, our optimization efforts to improve your rankings in the free listings is typically the better investment in the long run. Also, research tells that users “trust” organic results over Paid PPC results. So, in conclusion, we may need to sit down & discuss on what would suit your business better. We at HighRankingStudio can provide you with some great marketing tips.

Q: Can I do SEO, by myself?
A: Sure. There is nothing that stops you. But, if you “try” some stunts that hurt your web site’ it could be a costly affair.

Q: How much would SEO cost me ?
A: We have a basket of services, that can complement your marketing initiatives. Our Price quotes depends on the size of your campaign, your competition levels and the extent of what services you choose. But, if you are open to discuss your “budgets” with us, we are sure to accommodate them. Remember that “value for money” & “return on investment” is what you would get. Do CONTACT US to check it out.

Q: What is black hat SEO? (And what's white hat SEO?!)
A: In SEO terminology, Black Hat SEO is the un-ethical SEO techniques that some SEOs use to get quick Search Results. They may be mostly short-cut methods, that may bring you results. But, beware of the wrath of Google to come on you. And, your website could even be banned. In contrast White-hat SEO refers to the use of healthy, ethical & proven methods to naturally drive traffic to your website. The results may seem more cumbersome & time- consuming; but the results are long-lasting.

Q: How long will it take to get top rankings?
A:Before promising the time-frame for achieving search engine rankings, it’s important to consider various aspects, that may include the Domain Age, Competition Level, current status/efforts, Site Architecture, and a variety of other factors. While we can make some pretty good educated guesses, with so many different aspects contributing to search engine rankings, there is no definitive answer.

While clients typically begin to see some movement within the first few months (rankings increases from page 7 to page 5, for example), substantial results (top of the first page) can take upwards of 9 to 12 months, or more, depending on the level of competition. Small businesses focusing on less competitive keywords (“orthodontist melbourne” versus “orthodontist”) will typically see quicker results.

We also need to surely add a word of caution that you need to be wary of SEO companies promising rapid results. While it’s possible to see results quickly when using Black-hat or unethical techniques ( blog/forum commenting, buying text link ads, article spinning, etc.), these practices will eventually backfire, causing the offending website to rank even lower than when they started, or to be dropped completely.

Q: Do you offer an SEO guarantee?
As Google has always said, “Beware of SEOs that claim to guarantee rankings”. It’s a simple fact that we can’t control the search engines, but we do promise to provide customized strategies and professional services backed by over a decade of experience, a solid reputation, and most importantly, results.

Q: Does HighRankingStudio offer references from other clients?
A: Sure. We have a big list of satisfied clients. But, depending on the Non-Disclosure Agreements that we may have signed with them, we may have to restrict that to a smaller list.

If you have any more specific questions, or need any further assistance...remember that thre is a team of professionals at HighRankingStudio – to help out.

Contact us to know more.